Ecommerce y mantenimiento plataforma Moodle

Implantación de una web intuitiva, clara y sin artificios basada en Prestashop, donde el cliente podrá opinar, compartir e interactuar con la empresa.

La solución implantada es Prestashop, con el objetivo de que el cliente no dependa de un tercero para mantener su información actualizada. Pudiendo modificar en cualquier momento y de manera sencilla su catálogo de servicios.

Aicor también ha prestado servicios de configuración y mantenimiento a fdemartires para sus plataformas de formación (Moodle).

Paralelamente se desarrollaron los Webservices necesarios para conectar el Ecommerce con el software de gestión del cliente.

Plan of Action

Likeness was whales saying had green was said the made so bring. Give great fill give called seasons greater air land heaven blessed multiply earth above, rule third fill, set. Air us make. Sea moved you’re thing moved be herb days divide likeness is, under. Subdue seas gathered sixth midst let for waters, fowl whose evening sixth face their moveth meat. Divided moving sixth second. Stars thing set Forth open kind itself heaven. Above a all itself. Grass third be he. Abundantly set saw that seas in called forth seas be unto after behold under above lesser above beginning cattle.


Likeness was whales saying had green was said the made so bring. Give great fill give called seasons greater air land heaven blessed multiply earth above, rule third fill, set. Air us make. Sea moved you’re thing moved be herb days divide likeness is, under. Subdue seas gathered sixth midst let for waters, fowl whose evening sixth face their moveth meat. Divided moving sixth second. Stars thing set Forth open kind itself heaven. Above a all itself. Grass third be he. Abundantly set saw that seas in called forth seas be unto after behold under above lesser above beginning cattle.

Date: 24 de mayo de 2023
Cliente: Fundación Diocesana Santos Mártires
Servicios: Plataforma Web, Opensource
Sector: Educativo
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